Quality Care
for Lifelong Learners

Serving Children From 6 Weeks to 12 Years

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About Us

Caring for Our Future, Our Greatest Resource, Our Children

Our mission is to provide a special place where we inspire every child to learn and grow! We are committed to fostering a loving, nurturing, safe and home-like environment. Children’s Learn and Play provides a learning experience for each child in preparation for early success and school readiness. Our goal is to support every child’s desire to be a life-long learner by fostering a fun, educational, early learning experience which supports the needs of the whole child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.

Serving as a role model for child care excellence for the community at large.

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Our teaching methods will help your child develop and maintain a positive, healthy self-concept and encourage your child’s growth to independence as he/she establishes himself/herself away fom home. By partnering with families, together we will cultivate your child’s growth socially and emotionally as he/she learns to interact with there peers.

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(702) 722 1111

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“I am beyond thankful with Children’s Learn and Play. Since registration the staff has been amazing! We as parents worry about leaving our child in care of others, but our child has learned and enjoyed every day since daycare opened their doors. The attention provided to children and parents can only make us feel excited to come every day! We encourage our family and close friends to bring their children and experience the growth in their learning path. We are very thankful with all staff members!”

Rita G

1934 South Walnut Road
Las Vegas, NV 89104

4975 E. St. Louis Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89104

1950 E. Desert Inn Rd (COMING SOON!)
Las Vegas, NV 89169

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(702) 722-1111

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